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'Pareidolia' and knowing the difference?  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Sep 12th, 2007 09:42 AM
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Joined: Feb 10th, 2007
Location: Aberdare., United Kingdom
Posts: 644
This post is a write up from my site I thought you all would like to read it as there is alot of confusion and skeptism regarding the subject,.


Pareidolia or brain patterning, what is it?

The term pareidolia (pronounced /pɛɹaɪˈdoliə/ or /pæɹaɪˈdəʊliə/), referenced in 1994 by Steven Goldstein,[1] describes a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon, and hidden messages on records played in reverse. The word comes from the Greek para- — beside, with or alongside — and eidolon — image (the diminutive of eidos — image, form, shape). Pareidolia is a type of apophenia.Source =

OK we need to address this situation, as there are a lot of people out there with a healthy skepticism regarding this subject, this is good!! After all we are searching for the truth. I myself always take into account pareidolia when analyzing a session.If we look at the clouds and tilt our head this way and that way we can see many faces and creatures within the smoke, some becoming another image half way through observing, this is what Pareidolia or brain patterning is in short. We cannot ignore this phenomenon other wise we are ignorant to the fact that we are cheating ourselves in the search for the truth to provide evidence and confirm our believe in the afterlife. We need to take Pareidolia into account to keep a balance to the method and to distinguish true images from pretty shapes that the loop produces.

How do we do this?

In short we must keep disciplined while analyzing frame by frame. First let me stress by performing the ‘Schreiber method’ its not just a simple case of switching on the TV and setting your camera to run providing the loop, for the results one is searching for you need to untune yourself for spirit to achieve a channel for the communication between the two worlds, this is a must to get the results and pictures we seek even if you are totally sceptical of the method please have respect for the method. So we have untuned ourselves to spirit and performed the session, now we need to filter out true spirit communication to brain patterning (Pareidolia) like I say you need to keep disciplined. On Viewing a new frame I give myself an average of 4 seconds to view the frame browsing it over with a casual eye, if nothing stands out on viewing such as a face or figure etc, THERE IS NO COMMUNICATION ON THAT FRAME, other wise if you look to much into the frame you will find images as in anything!! This is ‘PAREIDOLIA’

How will I know what’s a true image?

Its all I will say, is you will get to know what is true communication and the pretty shapes of the loop, spirit will make themselves know to you by making their images stand out very clear. The Loop by its very nature is fast and blurry; but the true image will stand out through this blurriness! some come through like come through like pop up’s very clear and unmistakable.
Klaus Schreiber also was aware of this and took Pareidolia on board in his research, back in Klaus day he had two TVs hooked up and recorded with VCR pausing the frames (A long process) but what Klaus discovered was that true Paranormal images on second time round analyze would stay clear and detailed, where if an image was Brain patterning on second time round analysis it would be blurry and go to nothing and make other shapes and faces.


I posted three images over the Internet and asked for people view of them, they all appeared to see the same faces that I first saw on capturing them, this is my eyes rules out Pareidolia, as they all seen the same faces in detail, they didn’t have to work hard or be prompted to where to look, these are the images that we should be aiming for in the future and I will keep pursuing my path to get better pictures of far more detail coming through.

So In short, to analyze footage from the Loop feedback session, flick through the frames with a casual eye, if nothing catches your eye within the first few second of viewing, there is no communication in that frame, if any other images are seen after a few seconds we are then dealing with Pareidolia. If you do happen to grab an image thinking it’s a true communication, when you go to crop them in your photo editor software they will really go to nothing or remain blurry and senseless to your eye, so this process gives you another chance to filter out true from false.The Subject of Pareidolia is important to understand, if we are going to provide evidence of our believes we must take this subject on board while researching the paranormal no matter what you passion of research is. other wise we could be misleading ourselves which does no one any good, so understand what Pareidolia is and how it works and rule it out!! then your on the right path.All the research of the above, is from my own personal feelings on the matter and how I like to work.

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 Posted: Sep 16th, 2007 02:54 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
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Hi Lance,

Good post, definitely a truth that has to be considered.

I wasn't ready to admit pareidolia was even possible in my work - that is until spirit told me that it does happen. So the way I dealt with it is by attempting to raise my standards as far as what I would accept as a valid picture.

Unfortunately, the idea that if it isn't clear then it must not be a spirit face is also untrue. I don't believe there is any specific or special way to avoid this - it will always be present in an experimenter's work, at least until they reach a very rare and amazing point in their work. I think the best approach is to be aware of it and do our best to lower the percentage of questionable images.


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 Posted: Sep 22nd, 2007 07:21 AM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2007
Posts: 3
In any random pattern of pixels there is a certain probability that something recognizable will be seen. Different people may see the same image but it will still be a result of chance events. The same thing can occur with hearing voices in random noise recordings.

If you want to rule this out from your experiments then you can ask the spirits to stay away and then go ahead with your procedure. Take, for example, 100 samples without spirit involvement, then ask the spirits to do their thing and take another 100 samples. Then get a person who doesn't know which samples are which and ask them to try to find patterns - images or voices.

You may get a statistically significant result with only ten samples or you may have to do 1000, or 10,000 or more.

It's a lot of work and you have to apply statistical analysis to understand the meaning of your results. But if you find a statistically significant result you can publish it.

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