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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

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MrZeta Livestreams !  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Oct 9th, 2013 07:02 PM
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Joined: Jun 8th, 2008
Location: Maine USA
Posts: 74
:thumbup1:Hello Folks,

It has been awhile...I had horses for 10 years and could not keep them as we never got to move out in to the country - away from all the radio and electronic noise.

I still own the property and may go up there this winter and run experiments - finally.

My electronics lab is almost in full swing in my basement where I will now be live streaming for all to see. I have had many ideas that need to be investigated before my health degrades; I now have a hearing problem in both ears they feel like they are filled up and the doc says hearing loss - I know better something is wrong and I need my hearing.

My website is at:

I do update it from time to time.

My livestream site is at:

Let me explain my live streaming. I am mostly as avid MMORPG gamer so you wont see me much regarding research in there, however I did make a few vids and saved them.

Only you folks will actually know what I am doing over there (!) when I stream my research; it will go under the pretense of free energy, when in fact I am working on wierd abstract cross-dimensional electronics communications designs that I believe were given to me by Intelligent ET's; not ghosts.

I am using ITC design as a primer and guide to some of the main design work as I believe there is a correlation between 2 frequencies similar to Spiricom.

I will be starting with electro-magnetics, going into lasers, and other kool stuff; these are direct communications attempts, as well as investigating EVP in a direct sense studying magnetic flux-change phenomena and decoding that into audible sounds.

My gaming and other things I do on live stream, help me to get my mind off my research for a couple reasons; one I like MMOs plain and simple; 2 it helps me get my mind 'off-focus' so that I dont intentionally or unintentionally interfere with my own research.

I am 80% streaming other things in there, like my great musical talents haha as well; I really luv music and have to stream guitar to unwind on occasion.

I will be in here now more often; I have 10 years to catch up on and it is high time to get this thing done; ET is here we all hope; it is time to make contact; or at lease get the ideas out there and make an effort.

At least in the way of livestreaming, people can now see that I am sincere, objective, and defintely have nothing to gain by hoaxing anything; even tho I am now pretty broke I could use funds to fill in everything I paid for out of my own pocket; but I did this because it is what I love to do; electronics, math, physics, music; they are all my forte; the time is now for me.

I am considering having to leave all my research somewhere and some young entrepeneurial person may need to take over; I am considering MUFON; I have yet a while to make those decisions.

I met with Erland Babcock and have some stories to tell there about our meetings before he passed on. He gave me much of his old electronic equipment, some of his design ideas an such; I was told all his writings went to AAEVP, and his son took the laser equipment and was supposed to continue his work; I have not seen any evidence of this; I intend to continue and add to his laser work as well.

I will let you all know in here when I stream some of my actual research and eletronics musings; some of it will be fun; but only you all know what I am doing with this ! I would prefer not to talk about ITC in the TwitchTv chat as gamers might be present; when things get really interesting, I may move the stream !

I will update this thread...thank you for your time!

More later...


Last edited on Oct 9th, 2013 07:09 PM by MrZeta

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 Posted: Oct 11th, 2013 03:43 AM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Mr. Zeta,

I look forward to hearing more and getting a chance to see your stream when it is live/up and active. It's great to know that you met Erland Babcock, I'd be very interested in hearing about that also. Glad to have you back, a lot of things are changing all around us, I would agree with a lot of your expression of hope and also desire to begin work again.


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 Posted: Jan 5th, 2014 07:20 AM
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I apologize but the above stream location is relgated more for my online gaming side !

Here is the updated stream location (!) - I am actually planning on streaming most of the day today cleaning up and setting up test equipment!

I tried to edit the link in my first post to no avail.

I dont stream that often in this 'venue'; I have splurges of time when it seems I should stream my work, and dont do anything.

The fact is, is that alot of what needs to be done is preparation anyways; you need to be sure that everything is ready for the actual testing; that is pretty much what I am good at; then when I discover something new; I know it is not a fabrication or alteration in something concerning my test equipment and design!

Wish my luck; I hope to stream my work at least 2 or more times a week.

Mr Zeta

PS I really dont like to use my real name on the web...someday I will hold private Youtube/Google video sessions so be on the lookout for them !

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 Posted: Jan 9th, 2014 01:06 PM
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I will be streaming...Please note that I will let you know when I am working on EVP/ITC; for now I am working only on setting up test equipment and building projects!

It is looking like my live streams seem to happen in the afternoon EST time zone; that is when I stream.

There are no EVPs on any streams themselves; unless something happens to occur without my knowing! Again I will let you know when actual tests occur; enjoy!

Mr Zeta

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 Posted: Jan 11th, 2014 12:32 PM
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Live Stream Is Up ! Please note that I will let you know when I am working on EVP/ITC; for now I am working only on setting up test equipment and building projects! There are no EVPs etc on the stream itself; I wouldnt think (!):

It is looking like my live streams seem to happen in the afternoon EST time zone; that is when I stream.

There are no EVPs on any streams themselves; unless something happens to occur without my knowing! Again I will let you know when actual tests occur; enjoy!

Mr Zeta

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 Posted: May 4th, 2014 02:54 PM
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I am going to make a video stream tonite; I am sorting out transistors and want to show you all my electronics lab so far...I may test out a small power will be a short lesson on power supplies...

Just making sure my stream works for future live streams...PLEASE note this is not the same 'stream IDEA' that is posted in the forums here (!!) - this is a live video stream of me working on my projects!

I am still in the phase of designing and testing transducers - the things that convert energies to audio so we can hear them...

Mr Zeta

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 Posted: Sep 2nd, 2014 08:16 PM
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My gaming interests, MMOs etc are on the low side for a few weeks - I have had some personal issues to deal with all along I been tryin to get motivated to get back here and do what I am supposed to do...

I think we that have the ' capabilities ' have a responsibility to the world to let our knowledge be known; there is so much out there these days; my hopes is that something will happen that I cant explain through ordinary physics.

I have a good knowledge of physics and astronomy; have a 10 inch SCT telescope I am setting up to remote link I hope; setting up my electronics and music lab in the same area; fixing up my great pyramid replica thats been supposedly collecting energies for 5 or more years; I was afraid to go inside havnt been in it for over 4 years but it is in disrepair; I am fixing it keeping the lines in tact, and plan to use it this winter finally I hope.

All my work will be live streamed on the link above at USTream. When I get going in the electronics lab here I start getting wierd and abstract ideas poppin into my head; little blurts of information that I strongly believe come from literally out of this world.

As far as ghosts and EVP; ITC; all those ideas are relevant; I have strange esoteric ideas I want to try using light waves and crystals; I have no clue what I am doing all I know is this is what I am supposed to do; strange huh?!

I see Olga is in here alot - kool; some people from all over the world are really connected; too bad the closest to us physically, arent; it can be a real hinderance.

Well I am going to overcome this and pursue this; I didnt learn all my electronics and military electronics communications training for nothing; there has to be a reason; and the fact that I have dreams ever since I was a kid of aliens and UFOs cant be a coincidence; let alone later on in life learn about Astral Travel; what now I understand about it is different than the norm.

In short, I dont see it as travel; but we as a radio reciever in other dimensions; or a tv reciever! The Astral has been a very strong and positive influence on my life over the years; I have had personal problems as well and it has been difficult;  I met Erland Babcock before he passed away and have many of his notes and electronics equipment and ideas as well; it is time for me to move forward; I have lost 10 years of my life doing other things its kind of sad but it is all in my learning process.

I am glad to be back...wish me luck and send positive waves to me - I need them.

Olga is a prime example of what we need to do...I look forward to being in here moe and letting some people out there know about my streams...


Mr Zeta :cool:

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 Posted: Sep 4th, 2014 04:53 AM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Zeta,

We support your efforts and send you energy.

The Itcbridge streams will be running soon...

Part of our plan is to cooperate with other people and their work, and to stream, or simulcast their work from time to time.

We'll also be happy to move it into the stream thread. Just let us know.


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 Posted: Sep 13th, 2014 05:02 PM
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Hello All...

I am currently streaming tonite - basic test equipment calibration first then a little discussion on noise studies...

Mr Zeta

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 Posted: Sep 15th, 2014 01:24 PM
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Just a little update...I been kind of in a work area is getting, well it is cluttery and needs some TLC along with some other house problems I need to work on...sometimes I get involved in the technical side too much and lose some sight of where I am going.

I also wanted to do a little research into the history of ITC to get an idea again of how it all came about; I continue to have the same understandings with a few new insights gleaned watching the 'Calling Earth 2014' video mentioned elsewhere here in the forum; very good video; relaxing, informative and heartwarming.

It gives me hope as it is what we all need these days...

I have felt to study 10khz to 500khz frequencies and sure enough the call from Raudive to Mark Macy describing a VLF converter was quite a coincidence for me; even though I would look at those frequencies directly it is possible that the convertor produces 'extra' frequencies needed to interact with the shortwave much the same as the Spiricom; I eonder about the duality nature of Spiricom and other such equipment.

I know that 2 RF radio signals close together makes an audio signal - single sideband suppressed carrier or 2 close AM station carriers...these Spiricom type frequencies are much farther apart like audio and 27 Mhz; VLF 100khz and 4Mhz - not as much as the Spiricom though.

I also took a few snapshots of the movie and Alexander Macrae's device; I have 2 of the same oscilloscopes he has in the video !

So I will be around hopefully at night streaming I just need to clean house and trying to get my computers working they are giving me problems again.

Mr Zeta

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 Posted: Sep 15th, 2014 04:00 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
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Feel free to share your stream also

I know there is promise in note is that the Palomar vlf converter I bought, same as Mark Macy's, was put on a bench and we passed a signal through it. Our conclusion was that, unless there is something we are not aware of, it did not pass the claimed frequencies through as it said it would. If there is another engineer that wants to verify, let me know.

I've run internet streamed vlf sites, and as in all energy, was able to filter and hear spirit live. Sound wasn't suitable for voice per say, it would have to be transposed up into audible range if intelligible speech, it was very interesting.

Your comment about what could lie in between frequencies has been described to me by mediums, but haven't fully understood what it means. "Instead of looking at say, a frequency if 9 or 10, you need to look at the area in between, where the silence is."

This also has similarities to the description of "cohera' I believe it was referred to by The Scole Group experiments, in reference to the a Edison TDC device.


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 Posted: Sep 15th, 2014 07:43 PM
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Some interesting thought there a little difficult for me to figure out but most of which I understand.

Correlations in the in-between frequencies could be a few things - I can only relate to Spiricom as far as my EVP understanding.

The VLF converter would be easy enough to build. I thought someone in here was working on ultrasound or 500khz frequency work; it wasnt my plan to start with these frequencies; when I saw the video and this VLF converter and they said 10-500khz was important, and that I was working on gettng my test equipment calibrated to run at those frequencies only these past few days (before I saw this video!), I was abit shocked - again as if almost directed to study these frequencies.

I also feel high audio frequencies seem to be best for EVPs from what I hear on my own recordings. To get VLF signals alone just requires a carrier to sweep those frequencies slowly; like tuning a radio; the VLF convertor was supposed to do that; or the radio frequencies at 4mhz out of the radio 'INTO' the VLF convertor; I am tired its late.

You have to have a really long antenna at VLF so loop antennas are the best or even using capacitor hats for earthquake and earth vibration measurements; saw these on the web.

I updated my website ...

Talk later ...

Mr Zeta

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 Posted: Sep 15th, 2014 07:59 PM
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just one short note to the term 'cohera' in the TDC article, since you (Keith) mentioned it: It's obvious that author of the article misheard the word coherer as 'cohera'. The mentioned Professor Ellison knew what was meant by the spirit scientist, as he explained it correctly in conjunction with the statement that the spirit communication has nothing to do with ordinary radio reception (at least in the case of the Scole experiments):

Reception not by electronics

One very important point was made clear to us, that the technology involved in these communications has no parallel in our world and therefore what we are describing here has no basis or 'model' in modern physics. This point was made during the conversation between Prof. Ellison and the spirit scientist, when the scientist made reference to a 'cohera'. Professor Ellison told us that a 'cohera' was something used in conjunction with radio or electromagnetic waves. As these 'waves' pass through the 'cohera', he explained, the bits stick together and conduct. The spirit scientist immediately added that electromagnetic waves (which include radio waves) are not involved in the reception of these communications. He told us all, not to fall into that trap as they are purely spiritual vibrations or waves that will be using the germanium as a point of entry or focus.

This point, I think is worth emphasising, as it is so easy to think of these communications as forms of radio transmissions, which they are definitely not.

I think this is a very interesting statement, as it allows us to shield our devices completely against radio transmissions (which always implies the risk of being falsely interpreted as ITC voices) without blocking the actual spirit communication.


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 Posted: Sep 16th, 2014 02:27 PM
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Regarding 'cohera' - I cant agree or disagree but it is an interesting point to use Germanium as discussed then use shielding to eliminate RF interference; I dont know how well you can shield against frequencies below 1MHZ say 0hz thru audio to 1000KHZ (1MHZ).

I was thinking of using a high negative voltage on a screen - ya know like 10-50KV (ya thats 50,000 volts !); a sort of Faraday cage; but that would have to go into further research and a good safe setup; I have yet to work with high voltages my area is a tad too cluttery for that right now !

I had a thought on the meaning of cohera; if you look at chaos waveforms, it could be the boundaries where the dimensions meet; the word 'cohera' implies to me a 'plural' of things like the word 'plethora' ??

Cohera or optics coherant light is light without alot of noise; we use filtering and such to make clean light waves.

Bouncing photons off of other particles (crystals, ...????) and getting them to energize off other particles - more like atom smashers and cloud chambers (another idea for visulaization using a vaccum !); particle acceleration and particles to create waves for comunications between dimensions (very difficult to do here); like backwards radio transmission design on our end...I am not sure here.

These were some of my thoughts...

I updated my website a little and on the front page I am trying to keep everyone informed as to my current status; right now I seem to have a mess and need to organize; I havnt felt well this week...maybe the solar storms are messin with my head!

I have a little more work to do on a $1600 Spectrum Analyzer I bought for $30; it should be ready to plug the whole thing in soon but the backplane edge connector is abit messed up.

I hope to run power supply demo streams and discuss noise measurements and setup audio software soon; then its on to building those little single transistor amps...too much work just to do anything but I have the patience now that I didnt before.

Mr Zeta

Last edited on Sep 16th, 2014 02:27 PM by MrZeta

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 Posted: Jan 31st, 2015 08:13 PM
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I know I havnt been around - mostly personal issues at home.

I want to stream again and am planning on it soon.

I been working on my work area and am pretty much ready to start again.

I have a spectrum analyzer I was hoping to fix but that is going SLow.

The posts I read sparked some more ideas for me.

I will keep you all posted.

Also on my website I added my SKYPE info; I have never used it and I use it for gaming eventually; it would be nice to have group activiation settings for it.

I can also use Teamspeak but have to activate it every time which is kind of a pain.

I plan on getting Google+ when I get my cell phone and will be streaming projects then !! Only 10 people can join in though.


Last edited on Jan 31st, 2015 08:20 PM by MrZeta

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