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Joined: Apr 25th, 2010
Location: Florida USA
Posts: 407
During the past few months I’ve been “beta-testing” 2 Android apps: Spud*Pickles’ “GHOST RADAR LEGACY” and Krugism’s “GHOST SPEAKER.”

(HOW the apps function? –Don’t know …apparently word choice involves an algorithm and some portion of the smart phone’s myriad sensing capabilities)

Wanted to see exactly what percentage of the ‘communication’ (if any) produced a “hit” –as demonstrated by specific language and concepts contained in either singular “word lists” or persistent word patterns… And whether or not Spirit might gain proficiency using it over a period of time.

I’ll initiate it in the car, etc. –whenever …LEGACY stores time/date word lists. SPEAKER has a manual “save” function.

Pretty interesting results (many times related to specific human activity occurring at a particular moment)
Major beef with LEGACY- not able to upload words that might be useful to Spirit (e. g. The name “Kenda” is definitely NOT in the dictionary- “Canada” seems to pop up a lot??)…Spud*Pickles came out with an Apple app GHOST LEGACY CONNECT –not available for Android- Has upload capability.

GHOST SPEAKER really came to life on a visit to St. Augustine, FL -The country’s oldest city, c. 1565…National monument- coquina fortress, Castillo de San Marcos.
Walking through “old town,” St. George St.:

“troops, shot, brigade, Confederacy, turret, lieutenant, colonel, brigade, troops-below, troops-decay, turret-shoot, dark-mass-scratch-run, tavern, tavern, tavern, tavern…”
–And it continued on the way home in the car. (Probably huge disappointment we don’t drink)

Went to visit a friend whose home borders a large cemetery- Nada in the house …as soon as I fired up the car- “Elaine, Rodney, Samantha, oldest Robinson, prayer” hit the screen. Proper names aren’t terribly common; This was obviously over the top.

GHOST RADAR LEGACY definitely has its moments. This morning for instance…I’m sitting here wondering aloud if possibly it’s against natural law for Spirit to communicate with the living (hence the sparse nature of communication as a whole)- “No” GRL pipes up.

On GRL have had entities compose poetry in a singular word list- prefacing the communication with either “poet” or “poetry.”

Check out the communiqué below for an interesting prose example:


Joined: Apr 25th, 2010
Location: Florida USA
Posts: 407
In some ancient societies individuals were buried in various postures: crouching, sitting… and standing.

Interstate 4, exit 104, Sanford, Florida; DISTINCTION: Most dangerous exit in the NATION for fatal accidents.
It’s rumored to be built over Native American burial ground.

(nothing fancy, straight roadway)

GHOST RADAR LEGACY word list (aka “Ghost Text”) received moments after engaging in conversation about the notorious exit-

01/30/2013 9:44 am: 13 words

Kristin Sit
(Have noted KRISTIN seems to be utilized in lieu of CHRISTIAN regarding obvious religious references)

Buried belt line

Please fact tell

Stood (standing burial denotes WARRIOR status)

*Chilling revelation
(word placement is determined by exact time of individual word appearance)

Attached Image (viewed 443 times):

exit 104.jpg

Last edited on Feb 15th, 2013 08:03 AM by dkenda


Joined: Jun 13th, 2011
Location: Florida USA
Posts: 42
I see I am not the only one tinkering about with the same app on my 'Droids. I made a mistake of updating it just the other day. I had a really old, outdated version of Radar - the new one's a little "crippled" in the sense that it spells out words now only in uppercase. Leaves a very wide berth for interpretation now. :/

Anywhoo, how goes the experiment? I tried running it in parallel on two different devices at the same time and never do the two commit to the same responses nor speak at the same time. One or the other, each something different.

Also, when you are not holding, using/addressing the device with the radar running - does it stay mostly quiet for you or does it comment, say in active conversations with others at the moment? Mine will stay silent when I say my goodbyes. It will remain quiet until I start asking "the room" questions. *snicker* So it is polite.

Have you noticed any change in Ghost Radar's behavior when you switch it into airplane modes and/or turn off wifi, bluetooth - essentially isolating the phone/tablet from external influences?

I kicked a thread along in the Tech tower on the very same subject and was curious as to other's experiences and usage of the software too.


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