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New Ghost Box  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Nov 19th, 2012 07:09 AM
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Joined: Mar 29th, 2009
Location: Keyport, New Jersey USA
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Almost finished up with old projects. This is a homemade tuner box, FM only.

-Steve Hultay

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 Posted: Nov 19th, 2012 08:07 AM
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I was just taking a quick listen and I heard your name spoken 4 different times, at 08:00 seconds, then at 32:00 seconds, and then at 41 seconds. In there, there is mention of a body. Then at 46:00 seconds, you hear "He want's Steve".
Pretty good examples of what radio sweep can produce. I never have had good luck on the FM setting, I seem to get more on AM.

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 Posted: Nov 20th, 2012 09:21 AM
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Joined: Jun 5th, 2012
Location: Inverness, Scotland
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So how do these devices work for spirit communication? I've seen them talked about and used frequently elsewhere on the internet.

It looks to me that the radio is tuned by applying a ramp waveform to the varicap tuning diodes. (I'm assuming there is not a small motor opening and closing the vanes of a variable tuning capacitor, although I guess that is an option on older radios.)

If on the FM band, the tuning-voltage ramp sweeps the radio from 88 to 108 MHz and reverses direction from 108 back to 88 MHz. Alternatively the ramp waveform rapidly resets the tuning to 88 MHz and tunes again up to 108 MHz. Is this broadly correct?

The sounds come from the speaker as the radio tunes through the stations in sequence. What you hear is just what is being said at the time that particular station becomes briefly audible.

Is this not just generating random words and syllables? Nothing is specifically selecting appropriate sounds to make meaning, since the stations are being selected in sequence. What is heard is what is being transmitted at that instant by that station.

If discarnate entities are unable to make their own sounds, wouldn't they want a way of selecting words?

If a listener can interpret these sounds as generated by theses devices, is that not just the mind forcing random stuff into a meaningful pattern when none exists?

These are obviously popular and maybe there's something here I'm missing. Nevertheless, I think using technology to create a 'bridge' is worth perusing.


Last edited on Nov 20th, 2012 09:26 AM by Jan

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 Posted: Nov 20th, 2012 09:51 AM
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I will post a more in depth answer later, just a coiple of things I want to say though.

Yes, I will say I was a major skeptic at one time. As far as I was concerned it was just pure luck a few words were being picked up, making it sound like a reply or a statement of sorts. It took me a long time to tune my brain into what I was hearing. But after listening to recorded sessions using a ghost box, it was getting easier and easier to understand. FM has far more music playing than AM, so the random words sounding like a reply, to me, simply wasn't there enough.

And lastly, I do not think the FCC allows the liberal amount of swearing I have heard while using a ghost box. And when I mean swear words, I mean the big ones! And lets not forget the crude language that pops in occasionally!

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 Posted: Nov 20th, 2012 06:01 PM
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Location: Keyport, New Jersey USA
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Jan, the tuning is basic triangle waveform....nothing complicated here. As for the words being pieced together from random stations, i have to disagree. I've always built my research on a platform of ridiculously fast sweeping adjustable radios.

With that said, my focus is not on finding random radio words and making a sense pattern to trick myself. What i listen for is the words to be populated from the raw audio noise made while running and not radio words.

I primarily use FM, because the communication is more obvious when spoken being most of FM is music based.

I think sounds act as carrier waves for spirit voices.....well, maybe? Not really sure how it works, you'd have to ask the originator Frank Sumption on the exact explanation of how his stuff works.

Been doing this for 6 years and seem to get good enough results to continue, that's fine with me. I'm not making money or trying to sway people into a cult, just trying to get people to try and see what they get.

Manual radio sweep works and so does EVPmaker for the computer. A radio i'm sure you have and evpmaker is free to download and try, can't hurt to see for yourself.

-Steve H.

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 Posted: Nov 21st, 2012 08:29 AM
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Joined: Aug 11th, 2010
Posts: 209
I think you hit the nail on the head, Steve! You have got to try it for yourself to make an informed decision. The utilization of any ambient sound is constantly being manipulated to manifest speech.

Water running, wind blowing, engine sounds, small motor sounds like from a fan, washing machine sounds,etc. etc., the list is endless, from which you are able to hear speech going on. There a few members on site here, including myself, that are able to pick up distinct conversation from the other side, and a lot of times what is picked up from the other side are people that have established themselves using these sounds. For me, I have had to learn to block this out sometimes, because it can become intrusive. I have one friend that has to use ear plugs at night, in order to get a good nights sleep, it can become that crazy!!

I guess using a ghost box is just another means of assisting them in manifesting speech. To me, that is simple enough!

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