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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

 Moderated by: Keith Clark, fratka, ArizonaEvp  
Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Updated 10/24/09



After a slightly renewed interest this thread dedicated to Spiricom has been created. Since the work of George Meek and William O'Neil in the late seventies, early eighties....there have been many people who have attempted to duplicate these results.

The exact number of attempts is unknown, but I expect it may range up into several hundred at least. Yet nowhere can these attempts be found on the internet for comparison and discussion. The time has come to work together and share ideas, software samples, theories, and discussion about Spiricom. This thread will keep this area of research alive.

Personally, I feel that Spiricom was real, or at least that certain aspects of it were genuine, that it was accomplished through application of physical mediumship, and that it can be accomplished again. One of my main "goals" at this time is to continue working with a Spiricom project until success has been met. I have dabbled with it before, now I will push forward with it.

I have heard samples from several different people who have attempted Spiricom - which was encouraging. Everyone is welcome to post their attempts here.

Please remember that we only need a sample (5-30sec), not a long drawn out session of "hum." Please also remember that it is NOT necessary for other people to 
be able to interpret your impossible-to-hear recordings. We do NOT want to see people pretending to understand the non-intelligible. This forum is for moral and experimental support.  

This thread is here with the understanding that the methodology used in Spiricom may be usefully applied towards work with spirit............. and even though people may have differing opinions as to the validity of the Spiricom work, what is more important is the inspiration it has spurned as experimenters work towards their goals. The simple fact of the matter is: if someone applies themselves wholeheartedly towards an area of work in communication with spirit - they will have some measure of success - and their belief in this can partially serve to aid in the creation of that success.

Please also post any additional information you have.




Joined: Nov 7th, 2007
Location: Alabama USA
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"Personally, I feel that Spiricom was real"

It was Keith.  Only once did anyone attempt to debunk it; and that was only based on Dr. Mueller's photograph.  The photograph submitted by the Metascience Foundation was Dr. Mueller, as seen in the Spiricom Technical Manual.  The photographs submitted from NASA, were simply another person with the same last name, but the introductionary literature showing his middle initail crossed out.  Thanks Big Brother, I really feel protected now.

Well, how about that?  Even the debunker could not say "it is not true...".

It did happen, and as one reads the Spiricom Technical Manual, one realizes that the approach was open-minded, and scientific.  Even the Spirit scientists were interested, involved, and submitted very valuable information, and excitation to assist in the evolvement of Spiricom. 

It is because of these facts that we cannot let the research fail.  We must move forward, and continue their excellent work. 

I thank you for your support in this blessed endeavor.  Whatever the outcome, we will establish 2-way contact!


Last edited on Nov 21st, 2007 08:54 AM by Jeff


Joined: Mar 13th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 188
Yeah cool thread if you can get it all in one place. I used the tones in a few sessions but never attempted to replicate the experiment. Interesting stuff tho. Even the debate about its reality has its intrigue. From my viewpoint, it doesnt matter what I do or dont believe about it because I know the phenomenon exists, and so far most methods I have tried have had thier good moments. I tend to think tools are all around us, we just need to learn to use them. So in that line of thinking, why wouldnt it be cabable of "something" if someone has the knowledge to use it.



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Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
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I haven't been able to find any real electronic schematics for the former equipment used on Spiricom   experiments. The interesting thing about Spiricom's multi-tone modulation is that the speech chip used in The Puck an Ovilus uses 5 tone synthesizers mixed to make speech allophones. Ambient random changes in EMF ,temp, etc. is used to trigger the chips speech functions. This sounds like a form of Spiricom without the use of radio gear to pickup the random noise.


Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Joe,

In addition, Bill was reported to possibly possess traits inherent in physical mediumship......documented in the book "The Ghost of 29 Megacycles" by John G. Fuller. As most people in ITC would say - the individual person's characteristics are going to have a great deal to do with the success of experiments.

You described the Puck as environmental variables triggering a speech chip, whereas in Spiricom the influence of spirit was claimed to have come from modulation of the transmitted radio signal somewhere between where it was sent, and where it was heard in the ambient noise of the loudspeaker of the receiver. Then again, maybe the process a chip uses to produce words could be considered similar to modulation of different frequencies in the chip.




Joined: Nov 7th, 2007
Location: Alabama USA
Posts: 127
joecioppi wrote: Hi,

I haven't been able to find any real electronic schematics for the former equipment used on Spiricom   experiments. The interesting thing about Spiricom's multi-tone modulation is that the speech chip used in The Puck an Ovilus uses 5 tone synthesizers mixed to make speech allophones. Ambient random changes in EMF ,temp, etc. is used to trigger the chips speech functions. This sounds like a form of Spiricom without the use of radio gear to pickup the random noise.

Hello Joe.  There are not any schematics as such for Mark IV.  This was a system of  discrete precision equipment from NASA, except for the 13 tone voice generator which the MetaScience Foundation developed. 

Keith is correct.  It was not the tones themselves that were modulated.  It was the RF energy that was modulated.  We still do not know by what means.  We, and the MetaScience Foundation engineers, believe the RF was modulated by electro-magnetic undulations.  Hence, the carrier constant wave (29.575 MHz), between the transmitting antenna, and the receiving antenna, was disturbed by the electro-magnetic force impinged from the spirit.

This makes total sense.  In all RF communications, an RF carrier wave, of intense power, is generated.  That RF wave energy becomes modulated either by amplitude (AM); or frequency (FM); or by phase (PM), and is received by the receiver via the receiving antenna.

Either way, the receiver is set up to de-modulate the disturbance of the carrier.  After de-modulation, the carrier wave is stripped off, leaving only the audio information.  That information is sent by analog amplification to audio speakers; recorders; and any other audio analytic devices.

To sum up:  It's not the vocal tones that matter from the Spiricom experiments.  Those tones are only carried by the Rf carrier.  It's the RF; RF power; frequency; mode of modulation (Spiricom Mark IV was AM); and the spiritual connection that the user of the Spiricom device has.  In the case of Bill... had.

I hope this is of help in your understanding of the physical conditions of Spiricom.

Hello Keith, and everyone.  No, I haven't transitioned.  I just went through a rough time of loss of employment; relocation; re-establishment at the new location, including wife and cat; furniture; and everything heavy that you can think of. 


Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Jeff,

Hope all is well, talk to you soon.



Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 130
To Jeff and Keith,

I'm on the verge of becoming homeless myself due to the inability of my disability check to pay all the bills.

The impression that I got was from block diagrams I found on the internet.  The system shown seemed to be using an FM modulator fed by the 13 audio tones. An FM system audio reception wouldn't be strongly influenced by ambient fields. However, an AM system's audio would be affected by random ambient static and EMF fields.

One would need HAM gear to operate at 29Mhz AM. The Citizen's Band radios were AM, operated around 27Mhz, and were full of static. CB gear might be ideal for a Spiricom system. The reasoning, in this case comes from my belief that the spirit intelligence (voices) is imbedded in the random background noise caused by random static electric fields and random magnetic EM fields. The operation of SpeakJet devices seems to support this theory.

Base band "radio" receivers detect VLF noise fields and detect audio frequencies carried in these fields....are used to listen to "earth sounds" that sometimes are whistles, angel choirs, etc. These receivers have been reported to pickup strange voices, also.

My FM "Joe's Box" scanning radio uses swept tuning that briefly selects broadcast vocals at random intervals. This is not random noise but has the unpredictable nature of noise. That random nature contains the intelligence that produces rational conversation and spirit messages from bits of FM radio broadcasts.


Last edited on Oct 9th, 2008 03:11 AM by joecioppi

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