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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
I will first get the ref. to Kenda and Spider out of the way... both of you had taken careful time to tell us what you heard and where in that track of audio you heard it.. that is thoughtful, and the sounds may be able to be heard by many or all if directed in this way... I've seen this happen beyond far more often than not... I've checked and found this too many times to not end up knowing this is a constant... I didn't go look myself this time and probably will just about stop with few exceptions as of new years day 2013, same goes for me sharing my audio files it's looking like.

I will try to explain why.. well, I will explain why, it will be up to you to be able to hear or understand what I am intending to say.. but first, I'd like to offer you the audio test I started to in that other posting.. Listen to this file and see what you hear of the repeated bit at the end... I think it's fine if any of you that wish to just reply here with what you hear do so.. sure this will very likely have an influence on what others may hear if they read it prior to listening, but let's not worry about that. In this case, I have the rare luxury of knowing that what I heard came out to suggest being fairly stunning as far as accurately perceiving what was on the dog's mind. Take a listen to this file if you would :

This sample is one that David Rountree sent out to ten people along with nine other audio files of some of my dual direction audio analysis work, for a very carefully controlled blind test.. it was reported to me by David that not one of these test subjects heard what I heard.. same goes for all nine of the other files... at least one other one of those I had direct feedback on from the target in question, and what she told me could lead one to suspect that I had received information from one of her deceased relatives with again.. stunning accuracy.... just single points of info. , and they sure as H. didn't come easy, but fascinating in the potential implications as far as I am concerned.. I'm not saying this for anyone else to accept as important, but to me yes, and it is one grain of many that has compelled me to keep pushing myself... This sample by the way is from five, maybe six years ago I think.

Ok, back to this point... I will even give you a couple clues or ?? This repeated part is a dual direction bit... in other words part of it is played in the normal forward direction.. BUT, within the complex frequencies of these sounds, there is the more specific part of the verbal ( or maybe audio-psychic ) message which I've reversed and added to the tail end of this short clip. I will describe the scene at the moment of this audio capture.... I had seen this old looking dog in a fenced driveway behind a house down the alley from mine.. he always looked so upset and sensitive, staring me in the eyes every time I walked by him... I didn't know who the people were that lived there, or what they looked like.. so when I finally stopped this time and asked him what was on his mind, I do believe he wanted me to know. I will come back to this column on Sunday January 13th and share what I heard, and how it turned out !

Ok, to Kenda's question about the ' chopped up ' Spiricom audio... here's the deal... in another topic column regarding Spiricom here on the itcbridge website, is some audio of Spiricom I uploaded a few years ago... go read about it if you like... but just a few nights ago when I had only run two experiments in total through my new and in my own personal strong opinion.. breakthrough ITC instrument, I was disappointed and I thought, what about using Spiricom sounds for the carrier track of this next session... For me, in all the years I've been pushing myself on this, this combination exceeds all previous without a doubt !!! In fact, I had never thought of using Spiricom audio for this purpose prior to the other night...12/30/12 to be exact ! Very early this morning I checked to see how this worked with my most recent method before this last one, which was similar in approach, yet only the baby step which caused me to visualize this latest instrument beginning months ago.. the test results of early this morning were dudsville ! So, I am really excited about completing construction of and refining my latest creation, and then more than anything, getting the time to build myself back up with regular sessions.

Now, to answer Kenda's question about the Spiricom audio.. here's what I did. I went and downloaded this particular sound file from this website :

I then cut out about a four second bit.. being careful to avoid including any of the alleged voice of Dr. Mueller. I extended this bit to about 20 sec. or so... had two of these side by side on my Goldwave program ( I LOVE this program !! ) I reversed one of these files and mixed it with the regular forward version of this file. I then extended ( or what some of you would do as looping ) this file to roughly 4 min. in duration.. designing and producing this for the maided run of this modified Spiricom audio, in concert with my literally hours old new instrument which is still incompletely built. I forgot to mention this.. it's just such a normal thing I have noticed so many many times during my countless hours of this experimentation.. when I listened to this experimental mix of original Spiricom audio, obviously it had rhythms in it, being that it was looped.. but what is odd (sort of ) is that I could hear a repeated phrase upon my initial listening to it before using it for the experiment.

What I heard repeated over and over again quite strongly, was something very close to " you're seeing something's good " ... was this my excited and optimistic mind projecting this, either upon the audio, or upon my ' listening ' perceptions ?? I sure couldn't say.. I haven't even gone back to see if it's still there... here's a short piece of this 4 min. audio.. what do you people hear ... anything ?? :

I hope I've covered enough... I won't be here posting much.. I wanted to stop by and touch base.. this end of the year point of breakthrough took me fifteen years and some change to come to, I really wanted to celebrate.. it's been hard as hell doing it the way I have.. not complaining.. did plenty of that to get through.. this is a new deal past a turning point in my life.. I certainly thank those of you who offered your input and feedback upon my request.. I will definitely be back on Sunday January 13th, 2013 to fill in the blank regarding the surrounding circumstances pertaining to the dog mouthing off within the file linked in the upper area of this posting..

      Best wishes everyone ...... Brian J.


Joined: May 17th, 2012
Posts: 13
Hi Brian

I emailed my Amigo interpretation to you along with some other observations. I do hear something in this last little bit here (spiricom short)it seems to be repeated about 4 times or so. Totally off the cuff without trying to "hear" anything in particular, I hear something like 'You Fear Me Coming'

Dying to know the rest of the Amigo story and what you hear!


Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
just checking in briefly.... I wanted to write out the circumstances of the sound file and then some by tonight.. it's getting too late.. I'm still cranking on a job I need to get painted before I quit.. I want to do justice to what I'd like to share.. so I will be back tomorrow afternoon/eve..



Joined: Feb 11th, 2009
Posts: 162
I hear 'Spiricom' very clear in after your second intervention

Attachment: Spiricom.WMA (Downloaded 1178 times)

Last edited on Jan 14th, 2013 05:50 AM by eyewave

Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hi everyone... just getting back to spell out a little regarding the sound file of Amigo the dog.... what I hear of this dual direction message is and has been since I found it ... ' where's Sheila ' ... the idea of this dog asking where someone is makes sense with his body language and overall tones during this very short visit which was the very first time I recorded him. It seemed no one was home.. the car that was often in this driveway behind the house where Amigo was penned in was not present. At this point I had no visual reference of the people who lived here... it was not long after this that I met the woman who lived there while walking by, and I found out her name was Sheila..

During my first visit with Sheila I made a point of telling her of my audio experiments and that I'd found this message from Amigo apparently asking where she was by name... she seemed a little stunned, but stayed right there talking with me.. She said that people would think I was insane for coming out and saying I was doing this.. she also said she was different and that she was comfortable with this potential revelation.... she even agreed to having me send her this sample of Amigo along with a few of other animals through email attachments... she wrote down her email address !
I of course years into being eager and futilely challenged in finding legit situations like this after countless attempts to validate or reject my impressions by trial, kept my word by sending these as soon as I got home. I noticed after the next few days went by, Sheila never even replied to my letter with these attached samples... .. I'll speed this up now.. it's about six or so years later and here's the score... Sheila did not even make eye contact with me on the very few occasions our paths would cross for a full three years from the time she was presented with the audio samples... After this we said hi and how's the weather.. she never even brought this up... so over the past three years I've accepted I was a monster to her if I even wanted to discuss this, so I never brought it up...

well guess what.. a few months back this last spring, she actually asked me if I would send her the very file used here as the sample again... so, of course I did.. a couple days later I saw here walking towards me with Amigo at dusk.. I said hi Sheila.. she actually darted off into the shrubs to hide from me.. Last point I will make is this... this is actually what you'd call a raving success compared to the thousands of other people I've approached regarding this phenomenon as it pertains to animal ' audio-psychic ' communications I've been trying to test out in proper settings, and what they've pretty much all offered me in response. This is just a fraction of a theme I've been dealing with, I just offered a microscopic glimpse of a huge part of the past fifteen years I've been experiencing..

Moving on now with the main challenge and objective I've had since 1998. When it comes to anomalous audio such as evp, speech reversals, animal speech, etc. etc., I don't know how anybody can miss the magnitude of the fact that individual people hear these sounds very individually !!! My recent postings here on this forum back that up and cause me to believe if anything, in my world of perceptions, this is only even more prevalent than it's ever been before.. this is why I don't spend much time on boards like this... Don't get me wrong, I very much appreciate having this opportunity to solidify my understanding that this is the absolute case.. and I have a new approach taking this into account decisively finally.. I guess I won't say too much more about this other than to say what I am doing over the next few months.

Number one, I am going quit sharing the audio files.. I am just going to spend the next season finishing the construction of my latest itc instrumental device.. I will then conduct regular recording sessions to test out many variables with the equipment and my own techniques... my aim is to build up a strong connection again to where I can hear these messages with much more certainty.. though just like I've been saying for way too many years... without validating these impressions by circumstances based in reality.. who can say any of this stuff is anything more than wishful thinking ? I'm not saying this for anyone else.. I suppose we all have our own reasons for spending time and energy wanting to hear these enigmatic voices? ...

I've thought of my efforts of being like a radio or telephone operator... what I think has really offered a major jinx is my trying so hard to present audio that people will hear with their own ears.. I've done this countless times with success, but it never earned me any ground, in fact almost without exception.. those people who were stunningly impressed by what I presented them with, almost without exception would not communicate with me after a few days went by and it settled in.

here's a short sample I'd like to share for fun and more illustration of what I am saying... this is simply a seagull making vocal sounds as I was throwing out bread for a large parking lot bound flock at a local park on the bay here in N.W. Seattle.. Pretty much everyone hears this as I do.. which simply is ' Brian '. I sent this to one guy who considers himself an intelligently critical thinker.. I sent it unlabeled, and he simply wrote back.. " I bet you think this says Brian" .. end of story, ho hum, done... So be it.. one thing's for sure, this theme is very solid.. don't think I'm asking for sympathy. I'm done with all that just now this new years starting line !! Here's the audio :

One last point I think it is important for me to make is this .. I have actually validated my impressions of these anomalous audio signals by pertinent corroborating  circumstantial evidence many many times, and most of these instances others could not hear any of it, even with me pointing it out as best as I could... I don't know what it means other than the physical sounds part must not be what we would think it is by using known measuring technologies. Who knows, maybe someday I will have a system working to where the messages will be audible to all, but I'm not worrying about that any longer.. what I will be doing I just laid out.. if this other thing comes around so be it ! I was hoping to cover more and be articulate in doing so... I guess I'll just leave it like this and wish you all the best in what you're doing

     Brian J.

PS : I just noticed that tomorrow will be the six year anniversary since I joined this forum.. Thanks again Keith for your generous and thoughtful efforts here !!

here's a little Bill O'Neil nugget worth thinking about.. I don't think I ever shared this here.. No doubt Dr. S. Rorke is responsible for shaking this one loose from legendary rabbit hole known as Spiricom : 

Last edited on Jan 15th, 2013 12:07 AM by Brian Jones

Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
sounds like ' spiro ' to me ~

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