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 Moderated by: Keith Clark, fratka, ArizonaEvp  
Keith Clark

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Hi Ty,

I can't tell what is being said, but would agree it is spirit. It has the characteristic sound of evp though, in my opinion, and doesn't appear to come from or be influenced by the tones.

Have you done any radio work lately?



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Ty I think I can hear your clips as follows:

#1 I think they did

#2 What you doing out there

#3 Hi there Bud (female)

#4 .15 yes they do and on the isolated clip I think I hear at .23 I believe so.

And Jeff I can hear the difference between your clips,  the voice sounds more conversational.   I don't know alot about Spiricom so I can't make any judgements for sure.  But it was funny at the end where he is asking William to write the phrase down and William says he is lighting a cigarette, and he says those things will kill you.  I got a kick out of that part. 


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Oh please ! No prob!  Be as unscientific as you want to !LOL



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Hi Debbie.

Here's another one that I think you'll enjoy!  Here Doctor Mueller is playing with Bill O' Neil.  Doctor Mueller wants carrots and fried cabbage! :lol:

At the end of the conversation, Bill resolves that perhaps ten years ago, if he told anyone that he was speaking that way with a colleague passed-on, he might be sent to the "funny farm".  Dr. Mueller said Bill "might be right!"

Here is the dialogue:

Bill O'Neil: Yeah, I just turned on the tape recorder, Doctor.

Doc Mueller: Very well, William.

Bill O'Neil: (a bit angrily) You said to hurry back, and I did. That has been exactly one week ago.

Doc Mueller: Ho, ho.

Bill O'Neil: Yes, ho ho yourself. Cold weather has left us, temporarily anyway. It's raining. It's nice and warm. Of course you never know what to expect. I am going to try to put in a little garden this year.

Doc Mueller: Oh, wonderful. (pause) Send me a couple of carrots.

Bill O'Neil: What's that again?

Doc Mueller: A couple of carrots.

Bill O'Neil: Oh, carrots!

Doc Mueller: Yes, William, and a nice head of lettuce.

Bill O'Neil: A nice head of lettuce. I am not going to plant acres, Doctor. What's that? I think you were talking at the same time I was.

Doc Mueller: Well, perhaps. I said if somebody had some cabbage, I like fried cabbage. Oh, I love fried cabbage.

Bill O'Neil: Fried cabbage. Well, I like sauerkraut.

Doc Mueller: Well, you know that sauerkraut can do…?

Bill O'Neil: Yes, I do. You know, Doctor, I never thought I'd see the day when I could, uh, talk to someone like you in the way we are doing, and if ten years ago someone had told me this was possible, I would recommend that they be sent to the 'funny farm.'

Doc Mueller: Well, perhaps you are right.


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That's a pretty cool one Jeff!  Do you have anymore more recent to post? I'd love to hear it!

Thans, Debbie:biggrin:


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Sure!  Here is the link to the Spiricom Mark IV sessions as posted by Mark Macy.  Just a correction:  The block diagram shows the system as an FM system.  It was not.  It was AM as per the Spiricom operating manual.

There is a black and white photo of Bill O'Neil standing at the system during the dialogs (very cool).

You can listen to snippets of each session.  There are only 6 snippets here, but there were actually over 20 hours of recorded dialogue.  If you search the internet, you will find others.

Finally, if you go back to the Dedicated Spiricom main thread(s) and scroll down, you can see my block diagram for the new Mark IV system.

I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.




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In addition, here is the link to the actual Spiricom project manual:

You don't have to subscribe.  If you choose not to, just tolerate the commercials between the pages :).  If you do subscribe, then go ahead and download the manual.  It truly is a doctoral scientific dissertation that warrants study!



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Fascinating stuff to say the least Jeff!  Thank you for the info.  I will read it ASAP!  Wouldn't you think that this would have been enough proof of life after death for people on the fence?  I sure do!  I don't know how anyone can believe that this life is all that there is.  My daughter says she doesn't believe in God or anything, though she certainly wasn't brought up that way.  I would find it so hopeless to not believe in anything at all.  She won't even discuss EVP with me.  She sent me a text message to my cell phone of a small video of her cat playing.  I could hear on the video my Mom talking to her saying "it's Mom-Mom, Steph it's Mom-Mom, I love you".  I never told her yet because it freaks her out.  But it thrills me because I heard it.



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drrh wrote: Fascinating stuff to say the least Jeff!  Thank you for the info.  I will read it ASAP!  Wouldn't you think that this would have been enough proof of life after death for people on the fence?  I sure do!  I don't know how anyone can believe that this life is all that there is.  My daughter says she doesn't believe in God or anything, though she certainly wasn't brought up that way.  I would find it so hopeless to not believe in anything at all.  She won't even discuss EVP with me.  She sent me a text message to my cell phone of a small video of her cat playing.  I could hear on the video my Mom talking to her saying "it's Mom-Mom, Steph it's Mom-Mom, I love you".  I never told her yet because it freaks her out.  But it thrills me because I heard it.


Indeed it is!  You are quite welcome for the info.  People on the fence?  It's amazing that with proof of that level, there are people that intentionally close their minds. 

This life is all that there is?  What an incredibly intelligent person you are.  It's so easy to prove that there are energies surround us.  Here's the first way.  Whether you know or not, you are being beaten with radio frequency energy.  You cannot feel it.  You cannot hear it.  In all cases, you cannot experience it at all on your own.  But I can help you to hear those energies.  Turn on a radio.  The radio will catch and decipher those energies.  And, by tuning the radio tuner to different stations (frequencies) you will hear different information.  There are other energies that are not only around you, but are passing through you without your permission.  Those are mostly particles from our sun.  But others come from space :bored:.

This is how the Spiricom system worked.  The spirit energy, as researched, has a frequency that can be tuned to just like your radio set.  Now that I know you get it, please read the Spiricom manual. 

Just for safety's sake, please read chapter 13.  It give very wise counsel, whether you are experimenting or not.  It offers clarity on many, many hours of research; and is presented as a protection for all humankind.

I understand your concerns about your daughter.  The problem here is simply commercialism.  A young person, particularly in this country, is bombarded with "things" to have; to hold; to own; and especially, look and appear beautiful (respectfully, girls).  It really comes down to vanity.

But please let me encourage you.  She will come around.  Thanks to you and her father, she has a spirit by the grace of God.  She will be OK. 

Now as far as EVP goes, well, I don't have a lot of belief in unintelligible squeaks; blurps; and blips that if 100 people listen to, you will hear 500 different interpretations of the squawks.  Don't bother with that.  Bill O'Neil, and Dr. Mueller were audibly working together in an intelligent two way conversation that was quite clear.  Anything less is really unacceptable.

God bless you, your daughter's father, AND your daughter!


Keith Clark

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