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Spirit Envelope Algorithms !  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Oct 12th, 2008 10:26 AM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
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I was in danger over on Stefans allophone/EVPmaker post of getting bogged down in the land of 'what the hell is Slider talking about' :blink:

Spirit Envelope Algorithms (or Spirit Environmental Algorithms), pronounced perhaps SEA, as in to see into the mystic world through an ocean of possibilities. Well, you get the idea.
It seems apparent that technologies like Stefans program, Frank's scanning radio and chips like the SpeakJet may well be leading us forwards with communications. As strong waveform shapes have been the elusive grail of many EVP researchers, many of us like the idea of big loud volume contact. Too many EVP recordings suffer from possibilities of voices, possibilities of noise contamination, possibilities that remove the possibility of spirit contact for sceptics!
While traditional tape recorder methods may deliver the actual voice of the deceased person wishing contact, it's time for a complimentary technology that will aid researchers.
Nothing better than a Class A EVP, but, as we know, such things are very rare.

SEA, would be a method of distinguishing spirit contact, then forming envelope parameters based upon that interaction.
Much like using a theramin, the presence of the spirit would affect the output of the waveform data by proximity interaction. Our little code for contact could be learned by people on earth just as readily and, it's hoped, this would cross to deceased people who may not be familiar with todays technology.
There is a parallel to Ouija methods, but primarily in understanding concept.

A simple example: A device outputs a sequential set of words, round and round, perhaps 20 or so words plus numbers...I, this, take, spirit, human, dead, interact, like, to, increase, hear, high, low, level, am, end, return, with, none, many, and, can, not, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0.
One quick hand wave for trigger, one slower hand wave for a pause.
By utlising this simple method, the following could be created merely with hand movements: I am human, I like to interact with human spirit, hear low level increase to 7.
The message would be that the person is human and likes to communicate in this fashion, but that they are having difficulty hearing the output and would like it increased to a 7 on the volume level !
There may be pauses in the delivery of such a message...but think of the possibilities within the paranormal field !

More complex parameters could be introduced to accomodate willing spirit contacts. The ease of use for a living person to operate such a device must come before the operations of the electronics. So, we strip out required movements as much as possible and have the brain work done by the electronics. It may be easy enough comprehension for us to say a word and an automatic voice recorder switches on, but that needn't follow the same for spirit contactees and their familiarities with technology. How would they know to make a noise to start a machine...that sort of thinking.
However, as with the debateable evidence of the K-II EMF meter and most certainly increases in EMF energy as popularly understood to signify spirit presence, proximity detection holds an exciting route forward.
To increase the usability of the method and forward the SEA principle, a spirit may be able to affect a sensed EMF reading and thus allow intonation. The device would be utilised as a conductor utilises his batton for an orchestra or the control of a theramin. The spirit could use increases and decreases of EMF level energy to form a simple strength and mellowness of tone. A strong opinion could be made by moving close to the receiving unit, less emphasis by keeping a distance. The receiving unit would detect such fluctuations and auto calibrate for the type of interaction being sensed.
Starting at simple on/off commands, the level of complexity would be sensed by the unit and give the resulting output.
Currently, for comparison, thousands of researchers out in the field have EMF meters that show a rise and fall on their screens or output a shrill squeek, we have the K-II with blippy trippy LED's and we have EVP recordings that unless we're lucky could often be interpreted 20 times differently by 20 different people.


Last edited on Oct 12th, 2008 10:30 AM by Slider2732

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 Posted: Oct 12th, 2008 11:04 PM
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My theory suggests that the intelligence of spirit communication messages is contained in random activity in our dimension. Random noise in any medium from physical vibration, sound, radio waves, scattered light, sunlight,etc. All the current EVP/ITC methods start with randomly changing energy that is converted to speech or images by electronic means.

In the way FM radio demodulates voice and music from shifting radio carrier frequencies, the ideal spirit communicator device would separate the intelligence to produce a clear spirit voice without reproducing the associated noise. If we can believe that noise contains  other qualities such as expression, volume, male or female timbre, the means to detect those extra elements needs to be added to the speech synthesis.

Excellent artificial speech voices are produced by the better text to speech programs. The emphasis is determined by programmed instructions and some analysis of the sense expressed by the text sentences including punctuation and capitalization. If noise levels, phase, frequency content, can be detected and input to those programs, better expression of spirit voices can be done.

Speech chips also have program handles in firmware that controls the internal synthesis oscillators and mixers. If the right characteristic is detected from the input random noise and fed to the right firmware handle, expressive voices representing the spirit individual could be generated in the chip.


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 Posted: Oct 13th, 2008 04:25 PM
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In agreement, the mix of random and sense from random..chaos to sense. Part of the SEA idea is to perform a sort upon incoming EMF fluctuations. I would say infra-red levels and perhaps such things as barometric pressure..but I think EMF to be the respected and generally accepted level changer for experimental purposes.
Starting with a sequentially stronger division of data method (in simple electronics accomplished by a 74LS163 counter chip or similar), the device would detect the strongest variation of incoming wave data 'on the fly' and output the result.
Other sorting would be of intensity of burst data, for the softer or harsher vocal reproduction delivery and calibrations based upon ambient EMF levels. 
I'm not sure if the randomness we see utilised for communications is because it contains the broadest mix of required information for contact from which to pick from, or whether the spirit talks normally and because of the mashed mix the voice is heard.
The principle though, would give another meaning to 'Open Source' hehe, any sampled input data being possible, not just of EMF changes.

I liked the FM carrier wave analogy, leading to thoughts on whether the spirit presence is the carrier wave, or the electronics in the device the demodulator of the encoding. Perhaps the spirit voice is indeed held within a carrier wave, not the resultant signal. Why most EVP are so poor could be because only a few percent of the voice is carried forward from the demodulating stage. The voice would be almost a contamination. Cassette recorders don't work with carrier waves though...or do they, at circuit level ?  I remember a chat with Jeff on these boards where there was a lot of information about hetradyne stages and pulling inaudible frequencies down to human hearing levels...just makes me wonder about those processes again of commonly accepted principles of operation. Such things as a radio (or other device) containing a crystal oscillator, CPU's with operating speeds, all the timing devices that are needed within electronics.

The other thing, to link with your thoughts Joe, is that of randomness within our daily lives. Being time based within everything that 'happens' in life we are naturally predisposed to consider time events. When there is randomness it links to the other side, if the lack of a time structure is true in death. It's quite the possibility that randomness is both within the devices to be possibly built in the future and of communications themselves. Once people start to say 'the device doesn't work all the time' you know you have a winner ! An odd thought.
It seems like a lot of the work has been done with the various speech chips. I apologise for not having much of a clue beyond my use of the TMS device in my Speak&Spell...but i'm currently editing the SpeakJet allophones Stefan posted a while back, to hopefully fit them onto an eprom. From there, using my eprom sample player, I hope to get a bit further within experiments :)

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 Posted: Oct 13th, 2008 09:13 PM
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"Starting with a sequentially stronger division of data method (in simple electronics accomplished by a 74LS163 counter chip or similar), the device would detect the strongest variation of incoming wave data 'on the fly' and output the result."

Feed your random bit counter into a parallel printer input and read the messages on the printer.

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 Posted: Oct 13th, 2008 09:27 PM
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Neat idea! I saw this mentioned in a thread on here I think. Makes for a good bit of experimentation and while we have a couple of spare printers, I think a picture of the output may well be posted :)
Have you trialed that method ? what were the results ?

A side note, but related, was something noted within the building of what is hoped to be my finest mouse case enclosed multi function unit yet. Para-meter Royal, as it's been designated, has the sweep radio, a bunch of other things but also a heavily modified AMD 8255 chip onboard for EMF/static electricity detection. The fact that the 8255 isn't doing what it was intended to seems to affect the SC1088 of the sweep radio. The sound is a little noisier, but also filled with the effects of EMF level change in the surrounding area. Such random inclusion to the sweep system was going to be negated (indeed, I have fitted an on/off switch inside the unit to power off the 8255 if needed and was thinking of constructing some type of mini Faraday cage around it). Might just be a decent idea to try out the whole thing on location somewhere, with and without the effects of the 8255.


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 Posted: Oct 14th, 2008 06:33 AM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
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Hmmm...way over my hear - but sounds like excellent ideas. I also like the printer ink.

Anyone got an extra gallon of ink??

Great conversation.


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