View single post by EVPDave
 Posted: Oct 26th, 2009 07:07 PM
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Joined: Mar 7th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 206
Vicki Talbott wrote: Thanks, Dave! Of course, there is extensive info at if anyone is interested. Vicki

Hi Vicki,

 Yes, that's where I first read the Spiricom manual a couple years ago, great info there!

 Tonight I asked for a message that would contain a name or location. I asked repeatedly during the session as well. I got back a lot of tech chatter about filters, that I need to follow up on. There was also a weak voice at the end of the session down in the noise. It's best heard at low volume. To me the voice sounds female with an accent, like from England?

"Hi Dave, we want to talk to you"


Attachment: 102609hidavewewanttotalktoyou3.mp3 (Downloaded 1250 times)