View single post by Misty
 Posted: Sep 25th, 2008 07:08 AM
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Joined: Mar 13th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 188
Hey cool thanks for the article Keith. I found it informative. I see that CERN concept popping up again and again and again <<waves to Monty>> in the research over the past years as well as in life ((NOW)). Interesting, scarily so very interesting.

I find this idea of life after "moment"ary death study to be a great idea! Especially if people in the professional medical field will allow themselves to be open minded enough to get involved. I already know a few have. Some even place objects or pictures around the rooms in high up or out of view places to "test" if the stories they have been getting are viable. We have been hearing accounts over the years of such instances but seeing it being recognized and taken to a massive scale level, well now that is just downright intrigueing!
