View single post by Old-Frank
 Posted: Feb 24th, 2007 12:12 AM
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Joined: Feb 23rd, 2007
Posts: 174
 I've been doing EVP work since 2000, and have had some pretty wierd stuff come through, sometimes threatening,especaiily inthe beginning. Just the darkheads not wanting anyone to lose their fear I guess.  When threatend, I tell them "bring it!" with no response, so I guess it's just a paper tiger? I've had some entities try to intimidate, but they lose energy quickly, and have never been harmful. I think the trick is to not allow yourself to enter a state of fear. At first there was stuff banging on the walls, and once, as I went to the other room to sleep, since my wife was snoring like a freight train, just as I fell a sleep something slapped the closet door, like someone slipping it with the palm of the hand as hard as they could. I about jumped to the ceiling, but made myself lay there and ignore it, I was determined not to be affraid. I've had vision like things where bitting teeth fly up right in my face, I just wait, and it's gone in seconds. I've had voices say they'll poison my coffee, well I still drink coffee.  I found if the voices get too obnoxious, just delete, or erase them, for some reason that makes the bad ones stop, don't know why.


 "The guys" call me a Purple, so my expereince may not not be typical of most. I am uncertain of just what a Purple is, but it seems to have a catholic conncetion. This is an older voice form 2003, I had added a tomne gnerator to that board, so all the voices form it have that tone in the background.


 Old Frank



Attachment: 040703-(listen-to-tone-was-added-in)Purple-WeRaiseYouCatholic.mp3 (Downloaded 1499 times)