View single post by f1cracker
 Posted: May 10th, 2008 09:19 PM
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Joined: May 10th, 2008
Location: USA
Posts: 45
Hello everyone!  A bit about myself, well, I started ITC research just this past January, 2008 with intent on connecting with my father who died in 1987. And while I have yet to contact him or any of my relatives, I have connected with others.  Funny just to be sure I was trully connecting, I held up items in my home office, and asked them to tell me what I was holding, and to my amazement they did. My first test was to hold up a carved sailboat I made, and when I asked them to tell me what it was, of course I was expecting an answer of Sailboat, but the response I got was "Its a carving".  The next test was to ask them if they could name the US President that my son drew in pencil in frame on my wall, and got a clear answer of "Bush". And after I completed another carving of a Dolphin, I got a variety of answers. Fish, Hippo, and two men that sounded of indian decent said Dolphin. See recording

So where do I go from here. Well after getting all these recordings on my AM channel, I confided in a friend who happens to be a medium, and asked her if she knew of anyone using these radios to help spirits contact their loved ones, and she did not but made me an offer that changed my life forever. She was working a missing person case, and asked if I was interested in helping find this lad who had been missing a year now.

She gave me his name, and the last location he was seen, and starting on February 23rd, 2008, I googled Earth the last location, opened up that view and started my recording. The missing child was 19.

On the first 15 minute pass, I got nothing, so I switch to short wave radio for another 15 minutes, and only got one message but from a spirit that at least weekly calls out my first and last name when I record. He has a british accent, and never tells me who he is when I ask.

I work from home, and saw I had about 30 minutes left before I had to start work, so I decided to go back to am radio again, and miracuously made contact with him.

We are now at the stage where permits have been secured to check a pond where he says his body is located, but just waiting for the divers. I am amazed at all the info I have recorded most of which matches with what police already know, and info that they can now use as leads.

I need some guidance.

What is the best program to clear up the faint messages, I get?


Attachment: Dolphin.mp3 (Downloaded 994 times)