View single post by Brian Jones
 Posted: Mar 7th, 2014 11:36 PM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hi everyone,   I'd like to share something which I just recorded about two hours ago, and also in this process offer information about a device I just purchased which will be changing my life for the better, and I'd like to let others know about this so that they may find out for themselves if they care to.... I bought a couple of food processors called ' Nutri-Bullet ' I sent one to my mother. I've only been using it for four days now with high potency organic produce such as :

Carrots - Kale - broccoli flowers - peeled beets - baby spinach leaves - bee pollen - flax seeds - home brewed Kombucha tea/fruit juice/Chia seeds/ - super blue-green algae - garlic cloves - plus a little more ( all organic and raw )

The Nutri-Bullet device is amazing in what it does to these foods, and how fast and easy it is to clean... you might be able to tell from my list that I tend to go overboard, so when I did my little recording earlier, I was feeling really out of it from the heavy duty detox I was putting myself through... I'm taking a break from this today, and when I get back on it tomorrow, I will take it a little slower...

Without giving any details, I will tell you that my life has been very toxic on many levels for many years..... I have been working on healing all of this for many years.. it's pretty complicated, and most doctors I've seen throughout my life were worse than clueless... So I'll just offer you all a short bit of audio now, and let you know that I have been getting some very helpful advice and counseling from my creation the Signal Tower ..

I realize some people might be annoyed having me label the anomalous audio file which certainly seems like cheating ... So what I will do is offer the excerpted dual direction ( DD ) message or signal on this posting unlabeled, and offer my interpretation of how I hear this along with an audio file of my question on the recording just before this ' signal ' occurred in a following post.

Attachment: ST-30-DD.mp3 (Downloaded 1740 times)