View single post by Brian Jones
 Posted: Mar 4th, 2014 08:57 PM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hi Jeff,   thanks for the note here.... I don't really know anyone named Graham, but the name seems familiar to me a little.. I'm thinking I might have thought I heard that name mentioned during another ST recording session not too long ago... also, I wasn't really going to do this, but in the spirit of wanting to share things here for driven experimenters to try.. a couple of weeks ago I had a spontaneous urge to concoct a new ' carrier ' track... I recorded my Wahl electric hair trimmer's buzzing output and then modified it some on Goldwave... I do think I prefer this one.... Don't laugh yet... it produces results !!

BTW, I will offer it here in a following post for people to play with.... If anyone wants a longer version just email me at [email protected] and I will send you a longer version as an attachment to an email.. Regarding this sound file attached here, I just got this in an ST session where I was getting serious on a few points..... what I heard of this through headphones on the original cassette tape was a dual direction ( DD ) message of :

' you did that - healthy drink '

I literally went out of my way just before this recording session to use my new ' Nutri-Bullet ' which as they say on TV ' pulverizes ' what you put into it.... you add water, but this thing will even shred Chia seeds.. clean up of the device is about 1% as involved as a veg. juicer, and it darn near liquifies everything so you drink everything ... I did some carrots, broccoli, Kale and flax seeds ( all organic of course )  this is going to help me really get my vibe up.. so anyway, not sure anyone will hear this as I do, but I literally asked the voices that offer the messages later in the recording if they could read my energies as possibly being higher from drinking this health fuel ! I can't say whether or not these are my thoughts showing up, or spirits making the comment.... I sure hope someday to really bring through some truly valuable information that can do a lot of good.

    Here's the audio... BTW the speeds are 100, 110, and 115%

Attachment: sample S-27.mp3 (Downloaded 1252 times)