View single post by Brian Jones
 Posted: Mar 3rd, 2014 12:00 PM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hi again folks.... I think this will be the last one regarding this .... in the last post I attached a little sample of the Signal Tower ( ST ) being operated as I've described in that video.... I mentioned that I figured this audio which I labeled as ' bridgetalk ' probably did contain some level of messages or signals.... a little disclaimer which I consider in order... even though I did get a little sleep since that last post... my energies today, and much more so yesterday are on the lower end of the scale.... after all the years I have experimented with ITC related things.... I really believe that the person involved with this process supplies essential energies to the connection....

In the past month or two I have finally come to terms that I won't be trying to get in the door with people in positions to offer viable circumstances and help me test out what might be possible.... it seems like that is not to be, and in finally accepting the answer to the question I've been asking thousands of times for over fifteen years is NO, I feel much better about the entire thing... I'm resigning myself to using my work in this to personal communications to enhance my own self understanding. I think that this sort of adventure works a lot like that for many other people who are curious and driven to experiment to access answers and information....

I will offer one little excerpt I just pulled out of the audio track attached to the post before this one that I've labeled ' bridgetalk ' As I've been doing since 1998, I will offer my interpretation of what the message sounds like to me... not implying it will be there for others.... this thread was more just to share some ideas I've come up with that others might wish to experiment with themselves, and is not implied to be a great quality level of results.... I pretty much roughed this out !

what I hear of this dual direction ( DD ) edit is :

' a vision - from your tower '

Here's the audio :

Attachment: bt excerpt.mp3 (Downloaded 1971 times)