View single post by dkenda
 Posted: Feb 15th, 2013 08:00 AM
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Joined: Apr 25th, 2010
Location: Florida USA
Posts: 407
In some ancient societies individuals were buried in various postures: crouching, sitting… and standing.

Interstate 4, exit 104, Sanford, Florida; DISTINCTION: Most dangerous exit in the NATION for fatal accidents.
It’s rumored to be built over Native American burial ground.

(nothing fancy, straight roadway)

GHOST RADAR LEGACY word list (aka “Ghost Text”) received moments after engaging in conversation about the notorious exit-

01/30/2013 9:44 am: 13 words

Kristin Sit
(Have noted KRISTIN seems to be utilized in lieu of CHRISTIAN regarding obvious religious references)

Buried belt line

Please fact tell

Stood (standing burial denotes WARRIOR status)

*Chilling revelation
(word placement is determined by exact time of individual word appearance)

Attached Image (viewed 443 times):

exit 104.jpg

Last edited on Feb 15th, 2013 08:03 AM by dkenda