View single post by ArizonaEvp
 Posted: May 14th, 2012 09:19 AM
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Joined: Jun 26th, 2009
Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662

Here are some suggestions when visiting The Stream:

Once you have made the auditory adjustment with the sound.....bring up one of the online Zener Card tests and ask Spirit for assistance in picking the right card.

Bring up any website any begin to read the site's content to yourself and listen for Spirit to join you by repeating the words you are reading.

If you find either of these two situations successful,  please reply to this post.  I would hate to think I am the only person who experiences this.


If your Television is 3D capable,  hook your computer up to the TV.....turn on 3D simulation.....put on the glasses and watch the Spectrograph.

I find the Spectrograph has great depth.  To me at least,  there is a landscape quality to what I see.

For those unfamiliar with the Radio Bridge Project...aka...The's the link:

Food for thought,

Attached Image (viewed 425 times):
