View single post by Old-Frank
 Posted: Feb 18th, 2012 01:15 AM
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Joined: Feb 23rd, 2007
Posts: 174
 Got the idea watching the movie White Noise, and wondering how they use a VCR.

I had a video system  similar to a ghost box, but though it wouldn't work since the TV broardcast is now digital. Then the DAH moment last week, there is still signals being broadcast, plus the ever present white noise known as snow on the pix.

 The morignal idea was just like the radio based based boxes, use broadcast video as the raw materiall for images. I did find one UHF channel in the old format, and that seems to work for the raw material, and they seem able to make faint images and faces in teh snow--white noise.

 I'm using an older micro TV(1999), and working on  building a video box with it.



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