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Idea For A Stream Experiment  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Oct 8th, 2012 07:17 PM
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Joined: Aug 6th, 2012
Posts: 40
 First of all, my apologies if this has already been done/covered. I tend to always be a step behind when it comes to ITC experiments, and very seldom do I ever see a project through:) I also tend to ramble incessantly, and fail to get to the point. For that reason, I will make this very brief.
 Seeing as how "sweep radio" (shack-hack, spiritbox, ghostbox, whatever you want to call it) has been a huge thing the past four or five years, why not create a U-Stream channel that consists of nothing more than a simple sweep radio that, like The Stream, would always be live? For personal reasons, I would not be the one to create this sort of stream. I will tell you the reason I could not be the host of this stream at the end, in order to get the experimental ideas that I have, out there for the rest of you to possibly create this thing.
  Anyhow, this "live spirit box" would consist of nothing more than audio, if one were to create this "stream", using the absolute bare minimum. I realize that, thanks to Keith putting his ideas out freely for the rest of us to draw from/on, this project could be an awful lot like The Stream, but that would take more work than is necessary. The way I envisioned this experiment was bare-bones: The U-Stream channel would just show a live shot of the radio, constantly scanning. Nobody would really need to be present, except for the occasional check-in to make sure it is up and running, for this to run (again, another "No-No" according to the terrifying article I read).
  In short, has anyone considered doing a stream using a hack-radio, where multiple people could access it? There is potential, in my mind, of this being a worth-while endeavor, seeing as how people from all over the world would be using the same "radio", via the stream, and would be limited to only the stations that are available at the hosts residence (ex: 100.5 here is WWKI, while in Anytown, Michigan, could be WXYZ). It would be interesting to see what type of samples people would record, from all over the world.

Here is the reason I would not host the sweep-radio channel. Please, if anyone can contradict this information, please do so!

  I will save the details, but will tell you that I ran across an article that stated something along the lines of "if you use a sweep radio, you are inviting bad spirits and will be the recipient of negative energies and you are creating a portal." Well, despite being a very logical person, I let this one article dissuade me from using a spirit box. The idea that every time I turn one on, I am creating a physical opening for evil spirits to come through terrified me for some reason. For that reason alone,  and despite having made over close to a dozen of these hacked radios, I just can not bring myself to use one. Ironic that my S/N is "PSB7USER", eh?? Also, the whole unmanned sweep radio idea, according to the authors of this piece of literature, is considered very rude to spirits. The whole article came across preachy, and even though I am a logic based person, it has scared me off from turning on my sweep radio. Granted, I know there are risks associated with everything, including non-ITC experiments. Why someone like myself was so easily dissuaded from using a spirit box is a mystery to me. However; it has allowed me to create some pretty cool IR/UV/VI boosters for full spectrum, and IR cameras. Perhaps my shift towards more photography based things is due to this? I don't know. I just know there is a lot I do not know, and a lot we are not really meant to know. I wish I could be like the people I see using a GB at their house, but then again, if anything remotely bad were to happen to someone I love, I would swear that it was due to me using that darn ghostbox. Illogical? Yep.


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 Posted: Sep 18th, 2013 07:42 AM
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Joined: Sep 19th, 2009
Location: Plymouth, United Kingdom
Posts: 29
josh , frankly i would not worry too much - nor IMO waste your time with sweep radio - which i have long considered bogus - and before people start with the critisisum of this viewpoint consider the following - PLEASE 

1 . what are you doing ?? - you are sweeping a radio across a range or band of frequencies that have broadcasts on them - and as you pass each channel you may or may not pick up a word or snippet from each interspersed with snippets of music - now if you do this slowly - you can identify the individual channels - do it fast and it may indeed sound like a message

2 . what have you acheived ?? IMO nothing - if you put a thousand monkeys in a room with a thousand typewriters - i am willing to bet that you would get "messages " either through chance or just "dumb luck " - this to my mind is the same

3 . is it paranormal ?? - or EVP ?? - IMO BIG NO  on that !! - as i have always considered that TRUE EVP is NOT radio related - yes you can use radio to provide noise - but the second you start using one that has ANY form of antenna connected or internal - then the scope for false positives exist

4. bad spirits > OMG have the "everthing is demonic " brigade infested ITC too ??? - this nonsense is WHY to a large extent i keep away from the "mainstream " paranormal sites - and have not been around on here for yonks - i got so fed up with the whole bad spirit/demonic crap that surfaced some years back - fueled by tv shows theamed on the same issue - that i very nearly gave up all interest

its like Ouija Boards THEY HAVE NO POWER ONLY THE POWER OVER WEAK HUMAN MINDS  - !! -  its the same with a LOT  of whats being trotted out as "paranormal " - its simply not so - now you show me a radio with the power disconnected and valves removed that is not plugged into an antenna and STILL outputs EVP and THATS paranormal

5 .the internet - there are a thousand and one reasons that anything connected TO and USING same as a medium must be considered as not CLEAR of the POSSIBILITY of error - you have BILLIONS  of bytes of info flying round fiber optics - radio circuits etc - and there is a small thing called CROSSTALK  inherent in most /all communication systems - where bits of information get onto /into channels they where not intended to - i have had "phantom " voices whilst using SKYPE  etc , but know its a facet of the system - NOT  something paranormal - ( make damned GOOD -EVP tho :blink: )

to be honest - i have reservations about nearly ALL forms of ITC  - but thats because if one just accepts results WITHOUT  questioning where the result COULD  have eminated from ..........................

any how good luck with your researches - and don't take this as critisisum of your research - i guess i have just become more sceptical over the years - BUT  still believe the answer is out there  ( somewhere ) :biggrin:

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 Posted: Sep 27th, 2013 10:53 PM
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Joined: Aug 6th, 2012
Posts: 40
Hey, sorry to wait so long to respond.

I do not take that as criticism at all. To be honest, I share the same view as you when it comes to ghost boxes. ArizonaEVP helped me get over my "fear" of the box, and once I was able to do that, I realized very quickly that a lot of these spirits seemed to sound like Jim Rome. Coincidence? Nope.

I think there are great ideas for ITC, but it seems like when evidence is collected via ITC, the argument regarding whether it was spirit, or feint broadcast snippets picked up in stray channels (hell, I don't know if that even exists... sounds good though) always rears its ugly head. I have wondered the following for awhile now...

When "Ghost Hunters" (a term I despise, and do not consider researchers to fall into this category) go to a location, they want it quiet. So quiet, they cut the power at the circuit breaker so there is no electricity. Then, what do they do? Turn around and play a radio, all in hopes of communicating more clearly with spirits- the same spirits they thought they would communicate more clearly with if they cut the power!

It was a novel idea, at best, and while a member here did have some results with a few initials trials we had, it's just not worth it in the long run. I'm finding I am capturing far more true EVPs using my Sony Handycam or Zoom H2 than I ever have with a ghost box.

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 Posted: Sep 30th, 2013 01:11 PM
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Joined: Jun 5th, 2012
Location: Inverness, Scotland
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For what it’s worth I tend to agree with Pipesmokingman. The radio sweep method is just another way of selecting random words or word segments and the brain does the rest. I realise that people who are convinced they hear phrases relevant to them will say the entities have manipulated the timings of the sweep (or a similar explanation) to create the message. Well, yes, possibly.

But why not just build a machine that generates clear words at random? Then the entities may be able to manipulate the electronics to build coherent, relevant, unambiguous sentences. Sparks has described exactly that on another thread and his initial postings sound promising.

Having a background in audio and electronics, I can’t help thinking that most other EVP/ITC methods leave far too much to chance and misinterpretation. And I know others will say this is a pompous and unhelpful attitude. But consider this: many years ago, while discussing the basic tape-recording method of generating EVPs with clear-headed qualified sound engineers, they just laughed.

They said radio breakthrough sometimes does occur, but said it was obvious because you could hear part of an taxi or police message, or even very rarely something from Radio Moscow on short wave. They dismissed the ‘spirit voices’ idea because they said the noise floor on even the analogue tape recorders of the 1960s was so good that anything like that would ‘stick out like a sore thumb’ to any half-decent sound engineer and none of them could ever remember a recording session being upset by anything of the sort.

I admit that I found it impossible to supply a counter argument.

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