View single post by joecioppi
 Posted: Nov 28th, 2008 07:56 PM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 130

I often thought that the sense a message stands out from background nonsense. The analysis of the generated vocal stream for literal content might be done fast enough to suppress vocals that are not related to the message coming through. Our minds can do this with focus on correlating the theme of the conversation if the message stream is slow enough.

Text readers can infer vocal qualities to the synthesized voice in relation to position in sentences, punctuation, etc. Something faster than the slow editing process using a sound processor program might approach a clearer reading. I'm not surprised that the random control in the lab tests didn't show variations since I also believe that we are dealing with an overall creation of things and events set in action by a creator. The intelligence is in randomness by design and not at our command.

The bible code investigations show messages related to past and future events hiding in a field of characters. The ancient text is unchanged but the meanings relating to current events become clear as events unfold. That may indicate that the random activity in the universe may be already established.
