View single post by steve
 Posted: Oct 4th, 2012 08:12 PM
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Joined: Aug 28th, 2012
Posts: 81
New Cemetery Pictures. Garret Lane tooting
Hi, i went to a New Cemetery at Garret Lane tooting today after visiting my other local cemetery i went to the old one first to just cover the toys i left last time due to rain, after doing that i place a picture of the black Apparition i caught on a nearby tree, said a few prayers,then left, i gave copies of the picture to the main office and to the guy out side who sells flowers, he found it interesting. I then left for Garret Lane Cemetery which was about a 5-min ride on my push bike, when i got there i was surprised just how big the cemetery was it was massive and like 3-5 times larger the the other, so here is a large selection of photos i took and some back ground music to listen to. I did do many EVPS and Some video which i hope to bring soon....Enjoy.
Get these pictures if you wish to download any here.