View single post by Joshua Sean
 Posted: Sep 4th, 2012 12:17 AM
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Joshua Sean

Joined: Apr 12th, 2012
Location: California USA
Posts: 6
Thank you for checking out the file Clockdryve and ArizonaEvp.

I have uploaded another example of the screaming sound below. In this example, I was testing the waters to see if I was dealing with intelligent communication. I asked for no sounds to be made for 5 seconds, since the screaming communication is always present! I wanted to discover if there was a level of cooperation established between myself and said communication.

Clock, after testing the voice-activation feature more, it does appear these so-called “screaming” sounds could be caused by the voice-activation feature turning on and off. However, these sounds only happen on the FF9EFxxxxx, and not on any of the FD8GAxxxxx models. Turning the microphone sensitivity level down to 1 of 5 on both FD8GAxxxxx recorders does not reproduce the screaming/screeching-type sounds heard on FF9EFxxxxx.

ArizonaEvp, thank you for filtering the file. I can hear the words and syllables you pointed out. You were able to cut out much of the noise that was present in the raw file. It does sound like there is a female voice underneath layers of white noise.

All in all, I can't help but wonder if we are hearing a female EVP or just the hiccup of voice-activation (causing auditory pareidolia). Thank you both again for the information and help.

Attachment: Loud Scream 2.mp3 (Downloaded 832 times)

Last edited on Sep 4th, 2012 01:19 AM by Joshua Sean

Be well,
